Lending Platform > Our Solutions
Lending Platform > Our Solutions
For borrowers, China Rapid Finance is a one-stop-shop to obtain simple and efficient access to credit. China Rapid Finance is uniquely positioned to provide loans in sizes of less than $15,000 per loan. China Rapid Finance’s marketplace lending platform offers borrowers a range of products varying in amount and term length, from short-term loans in small sizes to larger loans for longer time frames. Borrowers are sourced over mobile, internet and physical channels. Borrower data is accumulated and updated with loan activity, and loan sizes are modified based upon particularized performance data.
China Rapid Finance offers an attractive means by which various types of lenders can invest in loans previously unavailable to them while realizing the added benefit of the warranty mechanism. China Rapid Finance’s lending platform also presents a range of loans with varying interest rate and risk profiles. The average lock up term for any lender, wherein the lender is not permitted to dispose of a loan, range from a few weeks to more than three years, depending upon risk appetite. Lenders are sourced through the internet, through the company’s wealth management channel and through multiple branch offices.
Distribution of Loan Face Amounts (as of 9/30/14)
Distribution of Loan Term (as of 9/30/14)